Social networking. Handsome young man working on laptop while standing against social network chalk drawing on blackboard

You have seen the blog posts and articles stating it is possible, but can you really put all of your social media tasks on autopilot and still produce quality content and results? There is so much to do … Twitter tweets … Facebook posts … LinkedIn updates … Pinterest pins. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Is there really a push button, dead simple system that you can put in place to minimize your time and maximize your social media Internet presence? The answer is yes, yes, 1,000 times yes!

Just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, there are a few different approaches you can take to effectively put your social networking on autopilot. If you are one of those DIYers with a little time on your hands each week, there is a simple hands-on approach that automates everything. And for those of you with no time or inclination to get involved with your social media campaigns, you can inexpensively outsource the operation. Let’s take a look at both options.

The “Everything in One Place” Hands-On Social Media Solution


It’s wonderful.

Pretty much everything you own was created on or in an automated system or process. So doesn’t it make sense to apply this intelligent and successful management system to your social networking and social media efforts? You bet it does.

Software and services like HootSuite, Crowdbooster, Buffer and IFTTT (If This Then That) are incredibly customizable. You can find them and others by searching for “social media marketing tools” in Google and other search engines. They allow you to automate social media tasks (and other day-to-day activities as well). Some are free, and some require a budget-friendly one-time or monthly payment.

Some of these awesome services are specific to one social networking kingpin, like Facebook and Twitter. Others let you manage all of your social media marketing on one central dashboard. There are obviously learning curves to get around, but these systems make spending a minimal amount of time for the maximum social media impact a simple and fun possibility.

The Hands-Off Social Media Marketing Solution – Outsourcing

Keyboard Illustration with Outsourcing wording

I could almost see you cringe and hear you wince in pain when you read the word outsourcing just now. But trust me, most successful bloggers and website owners outsource for 2 very good reasons:

1 –Outsourcing exponentially multiplies your efforts for an incredibly small investment.

2 –The more you outsource, the more time you have to spend on those activities which actually produce sales and profits

There is no need to be intimidated by outsourcing. It is super simple, but be forewarned. The first time you hire a virtual assistant to handle some aspect of your social media marketing, you are going to want to kick yourself. Because once you see how easy and an expensive it is to hire a highly trained freelancer that specializes in social media, you are going to wonder why you didn’t follow this path years ago.

Head over to,, Elance or Odesk and search for “social media” virtual assistants. You can also type “social media freelancers” or “top freelance marketplaces” into Google or some other search engine and surf through the results. Either way, you will wind up paying as little as $5 for a social media specialist to take one or more social networking tasks off your hands, placing your social media marketing strategy on hands-off autopilot.