Twitter BannerThe truth is that with a solid strategy and a commitment to measuring your results, any business can get amazing results with Twitter. Your goals for Twitter also determine your results. While all business can benefit from Twitter, the businesses that tend to get the best results are those that are customer focused.

It’s About the Relationship

Twitter is a fantastic tool for building relationships. For some businesses the relationship is much more important than others. It can be the single most important business building tool.

For example, you don’t really see large business like Nike or Apple fostering one on one relationships with their customers and prospects. For them, Twitter is more powerful as a brand strengthening tool.

However for customer centric businesses like coaches, Twitter can help them build strong relationships.

Authors – Authors can generate wonderful results with Twitter. In order for an author to sell books they need to cultivate brand awareness and recognition as well as a following. People tend to buy books from authors that they like and connect with. Authors can use Twitter in many fun and creative ways.

For example, some authors use Twitter to share information about their books in progress. Others use it to Tweet from their character’s perspective. Imagine reading a Tweet from Sherlock Holmes or Hermione Granger. Readers can become part of their favorite character’s world.

Speakers – Public speakers can use Twitter to announce events in local areas and to connect personally with people in those demographic areas. This interaction can lead to not only better relationships and more ticket sales to their events but also to more personalized speeches. Each event can be catered to the questions and interactions leading up to the speech.

Coaches – A coaching business is only as good as the relationships that are created with your clients. Those relationships often begin well before the first coaching session. They begin with social media interactions. Twitter allows you to have conversations with prospects and to begin helping them before they become clients. You can build trust, credibility, and authority on Twitter.

Small Business Owners – Small business owners are often customer-centric businesses, so they are in touch with what their customers and prospects want and need. A small business owner can use Twitter to stay in touch their current customers, attract new customers with incentives, and drive traffic to their website.

With a solid Twitter strategy every business can benefit and get good results with Twitter. That being said, if your customer relationship is the most important contributor to your success, then Twitter can be a powerful asset. Use it to identify and cultivate relationships.