social media time management

How to Manage Your Social Media Woes

By |2016-11-02T05:59:10-07:00June 13th, 2016|Categories: Social Media|Tags: , |

One of the most common reasons for resisting social media marketing is the feeling of overwhelm and confusion. What are your social media woes today? Are you struggling with developing a strategy? Social media management (winging it?), or not sure [...]

How to Stay on Top of Your Social Media Efforts This Summer

By |2016-06-20T03:21:52-07:00August 10th, 2012|Categories: Social Media|Tags: |

In previous posts, I’ve talked about answering emails being a huge distraction, but there’s a bigger distraction lurking about 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Yes, I’m talking about social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or [...]

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