Social Fresh

Advanced Facebook Ads Online Conference June 19 – July 13

By |2016-11-02T06:00:47-07:00June 17th, 2012|Categories: Social Media|Tags: , |

    The Advanced Facebook Ads is set to start on Tuesday, June 19. Jason Keith of Social Fresh is hosting this large online event, and anyone who registers will have access to recordings, slides and giveaways for 6 months. [...]

Advanced Facebook Ads Online Conference – Save $300

By |2016-11-02T06:00:48-07:00June 8th, 2012|Categories: Facebook Marketing, Social Media Training|Tags: , , , , |

  Facebook has given more ways to access that audience than any online advertising option before it. On Facebook there are 15 total ad targeting categories, many of those with several sub-categories. Learning which of those to use and how [...]

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