Good things happen to me every day
Good things happen to me every day. There are many reasons I am happy to be alive. Each day provides a wondrous experience. When I keep my eyes and ears open, I am privy to the positive things that occur [...]
Good things happen to me every day. There are many reasons I am happy to be alive. Each day provides a wondrous experience. When I keep my eyes and ears open, I am privy to the positive things that occur [...]
I am excited about my life. Each day, I have many opportunities to choose what takes place. I select what to wear, what to eat, and where to go. And one of the most important things I decide on during [...]
Laughter truly is the best medicine. A healthy daily dose of laughter can cut through the deepest feelings of stress and anxiety. Laughter can replace those feelings with a sense of joy that strengthens you to overcome any obstacle you [...]
Living life to the fullest brings me happiness. I love my life. Each day brings its own special set of treasures, adventures, and interesting encounters. I pay attention to the gems that come my way, such as compliments, smiles from [...]
I greet each morning with enthusiasm. Starting each day with a happy mind sets me off on the right course. I jump out of bed eager to see what lies ahead. Being a morning person is a choice I make. [...]
Most of us believe that happiness is an event. However, it is more a state of mind. Happiness is not based on how much you have, how much you achieve, or how many degrees you have. Happiness is a state [...]
I take action to fill my life with happiness. In life, I have many choices before me. I am blessed with the opportunity to select how I spend my time and the behaviors I choose to display. I understand the [...]
We have all probably heard the tune about not worrying just being happy. However, it is not as easy as it seems. Or is it? Can worrying less and laughing more really be an attainable goal? Just like any other [...]
I surround myself with things that make me happy. I am naturally happy and I feel blessed to be alive. I am thankful for the opportunity to use my talents. I strive to live every waking moment in a positive [...]