Using small reports to generate income from home is a great way to break into creating information products. There are many benefits to creating them, it is relatively easy to start, there is not much up front cost needed, and you don’t have to have any special skills or training. The following are some reasons why you should get started and some tips to help you along the way.
Like other digital information products, small reports are very profitable. You simply create the product once and each customer downloads a copy of it. You do not have to pay printers’ fees, shipping fees, or any other repetitive production costs.
Small reports, as with all information products, allow you to create passive income from home, around your schedule. If you have a day job or if you happen to be a stay-at-home parent, you can create these products at night or on the weekend.
Unlike a traditional job, you can earn money over and over again for the work you put into creating the report. A doctor, for example, can only schedule so many patients in an hour. He can only bill the patients once for the time he spent with them. The doctor cannot charge his patients when he is on vacation or when he retires. His income, therefore, stops.
When you create a small report, you put the effort into it once, and can sell it over and over again. You will have to do promote your report, of course. You can also have people from around the world coming to your website at all times of day to buy your report. You can wake up in the morning to find that you made money while you were sleeping.
Unlike an e-book, a small report only needs to be around 10 or 15 pages. You can easily write that many pages within a few days. You can literally start writing a report on a Monday, have it written by Wednesday, and see a profit by Friday.
You do not need any prior writing experience. As long as you know how to type and have good grammar and language skills, you are all set. If you do not like writing, you can hire a ghostwriter to create the report for you.
You will need to have a computer with word processing software in order to type the report. You may want to consider converting your finished work into a pdf file to insure that your customers will be able to read it. You can find free pdf converters on the web; Google docs is a great place to start.
Other tools you will need include a domain name with website hosting in order to promote and sell your report. A shopping cart system such as will make uploading and selling your reports easy. You may also want to consider establishing an affiliate program in order to sell even more reports.
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